Gyvlon Screed
<h3 _msthash=Our thermal solutions 


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Our thermal solutions 


Part L of the Building Regulations specifies the energy efficiency criteria for new and existing buildings in the UK. Part L applies to both residential and commercial properties, outlining specific requirements for insulation, heating systems, and ventilation, among other things.
The combination of thermal insulation and our screeds on top will significantly increase the floors' performance while maintaining a solid floor finish.

All of our flowing liquid Gyvlon screeds may be laid much thinner than standard sand cement screeds on thermal insulation, enabling for more insulation to be applied, improving the thermal performance of the floor for the same build-up thickness or being used to raise the head height of the room.
Gyvlon Finio is our thinnest screed on thermal insulation for a domestic property, with only 30mm of screed on top of the insulation, as opposed to a typical sand cement screed, which has 65mm of screed on top.

Under Floor heating Thermal performance

All of our screeds can be used with an underfloor heating system (UFH) to heat a room; the common technology circulates warm water through plastic pipes embedded in the screed, transforming the floor into a radiator.
Again, all of our flowing screeds can be used with UFH at a thinner cross section than traditional sand cement screeds, and they all transfer heat better between the pipe and the screed by completely encasing the pipe in screed, ensuring no air gaps, which is not possible with traditional sand cement screeds, resulting in lower heat output.

Gyvlon® Thermio, our UFH specialist screed, was designed to radiate more heat than any other screed on the market. This means that the room heats up faster and consumes less energy. This has been confirmed by an independent third party BBA. It is the only product on the market that guarantees heat output.